Excersie, fitness, health, Identity, life style, lifestyle, lock down, lockdown, Mental health, mentalhealth, motivation, new challenges

Sitting comfortably, maybe it’s time for a new personal challenge…..

Smash outside your comfort zone, especially after such a crazy turbulent 12 months, find things you want to do that will make you have determination, drive to push yourself forward to what you want to do and have in your life.

Feeling like your plodding along in life right now, feeling like your just existing? This is the time to look for new ventures!

When you find yourself stuck in a rut the only thing to break the cycle is to do something different!

Be brave if you want to do something then do it! Step outside of the normal routine, find that change that breaks this for you! Sometimes a change no matter how small is all that is needed, to both boost yourself esteem and get you in the right direction.

Trying these new things can help you both mentally and physically. New Experiences can be a breath of fresh air and be that new bit of energy you need. Changes that enrich your life and keep you on the path you want are so important.

Ever thought to yourself ‘if that didn’t happen I wouldn’t be where I am now? If you think of things metaphorically; you plant a seed because you want to grow something and if you just wanted the seed to remind a seed, you wouldn’t have planted it in the first place and most importantly, it won’t flower unless you plant it……

Step outside what you know, be challenged; thrive, grow, live, and flower!

Simpler, easy Steps to help you get there;

1) pick one new change or challenge for yourself to tackle, take on and prosper.

2) write it down, then write down 3-5 steps it will take to complete this and get this challenge and change done.

3) write a start date and a completion date to the change and or challenge

4) think of a new one once this one is done ✅

5) start building more experiences, memories, positive changes and gains from pushing out side your comfort Zone.

Write, complete, repeat….

Excersie, fitness, health, Identity, lifestyle, Mental health, motivation, Visuals for goals results and motivation


It’s so true that the power of your mind and your mind set is Huge. If you don’t believe in your self or invest yourself then why would others, you get out what you put in.

The power of your thoughts in your mind can carry you a very long way,or they can simply stop your from moving forward at all.

Your mindset can change at times and sometimes very rapidly. It’s important to recognise what strategies support you when this is in a negative way and what helps you become a more positive version of yourself.

Learn how to control your thoughts more when negativity starts to show, look out for the early signs, get your support strategies into action ASAP. Do what help’s keep yourself focused and on track to what you want to achieve, don’t self sabotage.

You really have the power to lead yourself to where you want to go, but you also could be the person who’s hold you back! so unlock the positive mind set you have and take on positive changes to get you to your goals.

Wondering, How to make your mind set as positive as possible to work for you, so you can make new exciting steps you want in your life, review the way in which your doing things towards your goals. Don’t get stuck in a rut, nothing motivational will come from things that don’t challenge you.

Review your steps towards your end game/goals. Make sure you’re enjoying what you’re doing still and if you’re not look at other ways you can achieve the same steps but in a way that is more motivational, fun and inspiring for you to go forward.

Mind, Set, Go….


Meaningful, make sure the goal means something to you, that you want this! That this is for you and not for others or to please them or anyone else. The more meaningful the goal is the more drive, determination and passion you will have in doing this and seeing it through.


Interesting, make sure it’s something that you want to do that pushes you to smash out side comfort Zone, make it exciting, full of new things to learn, take part of /do and of course choose the way that you feel is the most positively challenging for you. If the steps aren’t inspiring you look at alternative ones you can still take to get to your end goal, different steps still leading to the same outcome and your goal.


Nothing stopping you, you know the steps you need to take, plan, prepare and show up. Make things happen, remember every small step counts towards the bigger picture and goal’s you have. Go to bed knowing what you have planned for tomorrow. From exercise plans, to food prep and menus, activities, tasks, to-do lists etc be organised and plan to succeed not to fail.


Determination, keep yourself motivated, surrounded yourself with positive things, people and log the steps you have made, read, watch and listen to things and people that inspires you to keep going. Watch Blogs of the journey others are taking and have took from start to finish to make their goals happen, let them inspire you, show you that they didn’t give up, showing you evidence, you too can do this! Like they did.


Start, set a date and make it happen.the first step is always the hardest. Write it down Mark it on the calendar or diary, the day I made my life change for the better (tomorrow) why wait!


End game, keep your end game clear in your mind, what it is that you want! every time you find it hard, that you’re losing your willpower, remember why your doing this, let the thoughts of your end game push you forward and trough the tough times. Imagine and try to visualise the end,how you will feel being at this point, where you wanted to be and how good that will feel and look. What other opportunities will this then create for you?


Train, train, train. Learn what you need to do to achieve what you have set out to do, build yourself up along the way with the discipline you need to support this goal and all the steps you take. Learn, evolve, develop, conquer, achieve, eat, sleep repeat.

2021, health, Identity

Determination “must do’s” for staying on track!

So the end of January is approaching and “Blue Monday” has pasted!

Hows your motivation? Still feeling determined?

It’s so easy to hit the start of January with great intentions even a “go hard or go home approach” whatever your goals, whether it’s a new routine, job, workout, business venture or personal development journey or any chosen change you want to make this year to your life!

But you also need to sustain your aims for the long haul making them “life style choices“, which are permanent and not short lived. Unless you change your goal then that’s different! What works now might not work in the next chapter but don’t let your motivation wear off!

Keep yourself going and motivated. We all can start our year off with good intentions but they can become short lived if we don’t give ourselves something to keep a determined mind and remember to keep your aims in site; it will make a big difference.

Make a note of what and why you are doing this for, what it will lead to and remind yourself of this each time you feel a dip.

Visuals are good to use and can keep you being you! Have something to look forward to; sign up to a new challenge, such as a run; have a load of small projects you want to do, a declutter or your new garden project; trying new recipes or leaning something new.

Mark your steps along the way, keep a log like a diary, however, you want to show the aims of the day and tick them off when you have done them, such as 3 things today I am going to get done that will support my goals and keep me motivated.

Have fun along the way, keep things enjoyable, change it up to stay on track there is no one size fits all, remember your the pilot in all of this, your the making of these good things that can happen!

Most things you’ll find that are positive in your life will lead to more good things in your future so focus on them. Be aware how far you have come! Only look back to see how far you have come every positive change has an impact no matter how small it may seem! It’s your change so own it!

accountability, confidence, Excersie, fitness, health, Identity, life coaching, goal setting, lifestyle, Mental health, mentalhealth, Well-being

Believe in yourself because you can….

Ever thought if we spent more time on the positive rather than as much time as we do talking negatively about, ourself, putting our self’s down and as a result missing out of things, as a result of all this, what you could actually achieve and be doing with your life?

When if we actually believed we can, how much happier we would be and what we would already have achieved and succeeded at and where we would be?

How many opportunities have come your way that your confidence, limiting self-beliefs, fears and influence of others stopped you taking?

Make a positive change and Stop this happening again! to you and yourself and don’t miss out on any more things you want to do in your life!

Go for it! say yes not No to positive opportunities and the worse thing that can happen is that you tried and it didn’t work or wasn’t what you wanted and then at least there is never going to be any regrets, you tried.

And just What if it all worked and you actually got want you wanted, it would be worth it then.

Take and apply these simple steps right now to your life!….

1) signing up to things! That course, that challenge that task, lessons, new ventures etc, get it’s done sign up!

2) saying yes more often! Those things you want to say yes to but fear stopped you pick one to start with and change the no I can’t to yes I can!

3) drop out more of the things you don’t want to spend your time and energy on! It’s so true the old saying, if you’ve always do what you’ve always done you’ll always get what you’ve always got, time for change, if something is not working change the approach, or draw a line under it and move on!

4) keep the path true to you and go get your dreams. Make sure you’re doing more of what you really want to do it’s your life.

5) make sure all of the above leads you to something that makes you feel really happy regularly.

confidence, health, Identity, lifestyle, Mental health, motivation, Uncategorized

Don’t compare yourself to others, compare your progress of change against yourself….

Personal progress starts from within remember the steps you took and where you once started. revisit the start in your mind how you felt and what your mind set was like and then use this for motivation, with comparison to where you are at present and more importantly where your heading and imagine how you will think and feel in your future when your goal is achieved, mentally, physically and emotionally.

It’s great to gather motivation for your journey but try not to compare yourself to others along the way if you can help it! don’t get me wrong It’s wonderful to have people who inspire us but when it comes to inspiration, take a lot from where you once where and don’t forget each positive change and step you have taken. Be your own measure-able motivation. Only you no the efforts it took to get you where you are today! These steps are so worthy of being phrased.

Just take a moment and ask yourself, when did you last celebrated for a minute your personal progresses, look at what you have achieved and not what you haven’t! I encourage you to keep records of your own start point and progress line and look back at the differences along the way. Look at what makes you feel and think the best you can about who you are and all you have become. These would motivate you to Become the version of yourself you want to be; what dose that even mean you ask?

Only you know what you want and who you want to be and have in your life, but I would imagine for most of us we would have on our list something that represents finding true happiness at the top of this.

So look at your present self, past self and what you want in your life with your future self.

It helps to become more accepting of yourself and make changes to what you don’t like or don’t want to accept and look at ways of working with the bits you want to change and plan your goals and the steps that will lead you to get results.

For the things we can’t change, review the way your mind set is towards them. Its so self rewarding to learn to draw a line! It’s important to learn to move forward with accepting this that your drawing a line and then let go of what you are not in control of and can’t change and finally be free of those holding you back.

I find it helpful to log all of your steps you have made, try a simple yet affective exercise.

1)Firstly find a quiet spot

2) take a price of paper and write down what you are in control of .

3)write wha you can’t control.

4) in the middle draw a happy bubble in the middle and fill it with a list of all the things that you love, enjoy and makes you smile.

5)pick a item off your list that you have in your can control column and make a start planing your steps towards that becoming a reality.

This chart example is where you list the things you can control, can’t control and then what’s your happy place your centre . Good for anxiety, personal goal setting,

Then every time you feel you need to re-evaluate you can use this exercise tool to help get things out and down on paper.

If you find yourself comparing things in life compare your journey, from where you have been, where you are now and where you are heading.Be in competition with no one just yourself!