2022, change, happy, health, Identity, lifestyle, Mental health


It’s so true that the power of your mind and your mind set is Huge. If you don’t believe in your self or invest in yourself then why would others, you get out what you put in.

The power of your thoughts can carry you a very long way,or they can simply stop your from moving forward at all.

Your mindset can change at times and sometimes very rapidly. It’s important to recognise what strategies support you when this is in a negative way and what helps you become a more positive version of yourself.

Learn how to control your thoughts more when negativity starts to show, look out for the early signs, get your support strategies into action ASAP. Do what help’s keep yourself focused and on track to what you want to achieve, don’t self sabotage.

You really have the power to lead yourself to where you want to go, but you also could be the person who’s hold you back! so unlock the positive mind set you have and take on positive changes to get you to your goals.

Wondering, How to make your mind set as positive as possible to work for you, so you can make new exciting steps you want in your life, review the way in which your doing things towards your goals. Don’t get stuck in a rut, nothing motivational will come from things that don’t challenge you.

Review your steps towards your end game/goals. Make sure you’re enjoying what you’re doing still and if you’re not look at other ways you can achieve the same steps but in a way that is more motivational, fun and inspiring for you to go forward.

Mind, Set, Go….


Meaningful, make sure the goal means something to you, that you want this! That this is for you and not for others or to please them or anyone else. The more meaningful the goal is the more drive, determination and passion you will have in doing this and seeing it through.


Interesting, make sure it’s something that you want to do that pushes you to smash out side comfort Zone, make it exciting, full of new things to learn, take part of /do and of course choose the way that you feel is the most positively challenging for you. If the steps aren’t inspiring you look at alternative ones you can still take to get to your end goal, different steps still leading to the same outcome and your goal.


Nothing stopping you, you know the steps you need to take, plan, prepare and show up. Make things happen, remember every small step counts towards the bigger picture and goal’s you have. Go to bed knowing what you have planned for tomorrow. From exercise plans, to food prep and menus, activities, tasks, to-do lists etc be organised and plan to succeed not to fail.


Determination, keep yourself motivated, surrounded yourself with positive things, people and log the steps you have made, read, watch and listen to things and people that inspires you to keep going. Watch Blogs of the journey others are taking and have took from start to finish to make their goals happen, let them inspire you, show you that they didn’t give up, showing you evidence, you too can do this! Like they did.


Start, set a date and make it happen.the first step is always the hardest. Write it down Mark it on the calendar or diary, the day I made my life change for the better (tomorrow) why wait! 


End game, keep your end game clear in your mind, what it is that you want! every time you find it hard, that you’re losing your willpower, remember why your doing this, let the thoughts of your end game push you forward and trough the tough times. Imagine and try to visualise the end,how you will feel being at this point, where you wanted to be and how good that will feel and look. What other opportunities will this then create for you?


Train, train, train. Learn what you need to do to achieve what you have set out to do, build yourself up along the way with the discipline you need to support this goal and all the steps you take. Learn, evolve, develop, conquer, achieve, eat, sleep repeat.

happy, lifestyle, Mental health, mentalhealth, Uncategorized, world international happiness day

Happy, International happiness day!

Happiness is………..

Happiness is the feeling of contentment and feeling of pleasure. so make sure you seek out happiness for yourself as-well as others in your life, it’s important for you to also to be happy!

Ask yourself what makes me happy! What do you enjoy? what brings you pleasure and a feeling of contentment…..

H) Having true belief, grounding and strength in who you are as a person. Finding happiness and acceptance in your own skin.

A) Awareness of what’s good for you and what’s not in life, being able to keep anything toxic away from your life as much as possible. Surrounding yourself with people that boost you and you can radiate off in return.

P) Pleasure, doing the things you love and enjoy regularly!

P) Perfectly aware that perfect dosent exists so you don’t put pressure that’s not needed on yourself just accountability and drive to go get what’s important to you and do the best you can and make goals that’s realistic and sustainable.

I) Identity, you know who you are what your about where your going and want from your life, even if this changes you feel you have your identity.

N) new, ventures, experiences, aims, challenges, learning and growth is something you embark on regularly.

E) Encourage, you to are positive, happy and encouraging to others and them to you who you decide to spend and give your time to, your tribe is your vibe you build and lift each other up in life

S) Sustainable, what you do is realistic and achievable and can continue and grow in your everyday life so your life style is where you want it to be, you make goals, steps and choices in life you can sustain.

S) Smile, find your Smile, constantly work on making sure you spend time on things that make you smile, from people you hang out with, tasks and projects you do, you no the importance of laughter and a true smile appearing on your face.

A practical exercise you can do to ensure you keep bringing out your Happiness is, Make a list of what you feel dose just this!what makes you happy?

Identify What on the list is currently in your life, how regularly and what on the list currently isn’t in your life yet!

Then pick 2 of the things you have listed that you want to bring into your life more and regular routine. So you can keep your happiness growing and develop on having a lifestyle you love and enjoy!

Then next is to plan some steps for making these things happen. Start with the two you have picked from you list. How can you fit them in, add them in and enjoy them daily, weekly, monthly etc. Then keep all the things you feel make you happy under review as it can change, so goals can be made, moved and continue to be inspired and motivational for you.

Tips to keep your mindset happy;

1) Let go of things you don’t need to hold on to, draw a line and invest your time and energy wisely and on things that bring you positively back. You can’t change the past but tomorrow’s yours for the taking.

2) Be as healthy as you can, sleep well, eat week, move regularly.

3) Make things in your life work for you, take a moment to plan the best way to balance everything right for you and the best way so your not feeling like your struggling and juggling constantly.

4) Regular have a declutter, clean up and review things, from your goals and steps, get rid of things you don’t need or don’t get used. Clean space clear mind

5) Make sure you laugh often, surrounded yourself with things that bring out your sense of humour, laughter goes a long way.

6) Make time to be creative any way you can from building things to baking, arts, music, crafts and gardening whatever you class as creative for you.

7) Get regular fresh air and walks they are great for processing, clearing the mind, helping you gain prospectus by removing yourself from the same environment all the time.

8) Spend time with people who make you feel yourself and enjoy making memories with those you love.

9) Prioritise your mental health like you would your physical, your mind matters do all you can to support yourself.

10) do things that make you feel liberated, free and stress free.

Enjoy finding and being your “HAPPY”

fitness, health, How to be happier, life style, lifestyle, Mental health, mentalhealth, motivation, out with old in with new, selfcare, spring, sutainability

Spring into spring!

Spring is coming, lighter days, warmer weather and hope on the horizon, There’s never been a better time to get planning, looking ahead and set your action plan to step into spring….

Think about what you want and the steps you need to get there, make a list of daily tasks, weekly steps that will get you to where you want to be this season.

Review where you are, what do you want next out of life, what are you aiming for? What’s next on your chapter?

Spring steps and tips of areas to focus on:

1) Clear out your old clothes, make a wardrobe that reflect you at your best, revamp yourself and style for spring. From looks, fabrics, colours, make up, accessories and self care routines to Maximise your confidence and self worth. Remember Your worth it!

2) Out with the old in with the new, review items you store in your home whatever isn’t being used and you don’t love! give it chance for a new life to become a treasure or use to someone else. Up cycle, recycle and give to those in need via your local charities.

3) Plan ahead the things you want to have and look forward to this spring. From a new challenge, venture that trip or staycation away this summer. It’s so important to have things to look forward to no Matter how small they may be. To keep you looking ahead, giving you motivation and drive.

4) Review your routine, with spring around the corner the days will be lighter for longer think about your fitness routines, Review your goals make tweaks where they’re needed to keep you feeling and getting the results you want and deserve. Keeping you determined, focused and accountable. It’s great to be able to do a lot more of your workouts outside and more options due to the weather change. Look to challenge yourself and revamp where you need to your workouts.

5) Review your eating habits and what will be in season this spring from vegetables, and fruit. Update your ingredients make things more interesting with what’s available. Find new and inspiring recipes. Review your nutrition, vitamins, nutrients, mineral intake, maximise free online support tools and apps that help you log these things and water intake!

6) Get more fresh air, Get out when safe to and get lots of Fresh air! we have been in fair to much! Especially now the days are lot more lighter, walking is so good for your well-being and mindfulness.

7) Review your Sustainability, consider anything you can do to help promote this. Review your garden is there anything you can grow and provide for yourself such as vegetables, herbs and fruits? is there an allotment or community garden you can get involved with? Perhaps support a charity you can make a donation with of any of your old garden pots and seeds to support others who may not have a garden. Gardening is super for supporting good mental health.

8) Spring clean Declutter, Spurs up your home, make a few changes weathers it’s more plants, colour scheme, Minimalise clutter and give life to the new area in your home that’s not currently being utilised properly, clear areas of chaos, a tidy home is so much better for promoting a clear mind.

9) Take on new and exciting personal and self development tasks, goals and challenges that put a spring in your step! fire in your belly, that takes you out of your comfort zone, that you’ve got into over winter and spring into new challenges this spring.

10) Ask yourself how happy am I at the moment? How much am I enjoying what I do weekly, daily right now? what can I do to make myself feel happier, list out thoughts of new suggestions and how you could introduce new things that keep your zest for life and your happiness at a top priority. Find how to keep or find your zest for life again and your happiness at the top of your weekly daily priorities.

11) Self-care, look at including steps and strategies to ensure you’re regularly checking in on yourself. Think about how your well-being is and how you’re caring for yourself, ask yourself if there’s any improvements you want to make? What’s been working over winter? what might have been the most hardest time for self-care to be at optimum level, use spring as a great time to ensure your on the best path for you possible.and Get list making a write down the steps and prioritise this! it’s not selfish it’s key to you enjoying your life. Draw on strategies that work and include them in your plan will ensure success.

fitness, health, Identity, life style, lifestyle, Mental health, mentalhealth, motivation, Well-being

Making goals that are true and from the H.E.A.R.T

It’s so important to be truly invested in your life and the direction your going and want to go in. When you make and list your aims, goals, dreams make sure they are things you would love to do, be and have in your life or change. Make them full of passion drive and determination, this is what is going to fuel them to happen and you to show up daily day in day out to make the end result become a reality.

I love using a HEART model approach to help me with my personal development goals. Because you have to be true to yourself, you have to make a time frame and it insurers the goal is set to be realistic by reminding you along the way.

An example of how to set your goals with H.E.A.R.T is below;

Honest: make sure your goal Is right for you? That it fit’s with your core values and beliefs?

Exact: think about exactly, what you will need to succeed and accomplish your goal. Think about and list all the steps you need to take along the way and log, celebrate and Mark them as you go.

Authentic: Make goals that are true to what you want, where you want to be what you want to have in your life and be sure it consistent with your values.

Realistic: don’t set yourself up to fail, make goals that are realistic to you and your life. Think about making steps and goals where you can or do you have the time, the energy, and motivation to complete the goal in mind. Think about the appropriate approach to the goal and If you have attempted it before and it hasn’t work just look at changing the approach.

Timely: think about the timeline you want to achieve this and what is realistic. Set a realistic deadline down on paper for example this time next year! Then Mark all the steps down somewhere like a dairy, for example weekly and daily steps that will get you there to the change the goal a year from now. Think about all the celebrations along the way with the steps what can change for the good along the way as a result. For example fitness goals, each week and step you will be getting healthier and fitter along the way to the goal which might be for example a half marathon, this goal as also then brought more to your life already along the way in this timeframe because it promotes positive changes in your life along the way.

life style, time managemenr, lock down, mental health, well-being, you time, health, time

Time… too much, to little …

Time,we all have either not enough or to much time on are hands at the moment.

We may feel overwhelmed by having to do more tasks, juggling many roles and all while living under one roof and space, for example if your in lockdown.

Those of you who are living alone my be feeling more disconnected from the world because of this lockdown and as a result have a lot less social inclusion. This all can result in more time on your hands, to think.

The thing is,if we spend to much time thinking about things we could make ourselves feel worse, for example overanalyse and literally overthink something, or if we don’t have the time to think about what we are feeling and our thoughts and what we need, we can have a spiral in our mindset and in turn our mental health! it’s such a balancing act of what’s healthy and what’s to much time.

There is no right or wrong, but there is an impact.

If you don’t have enough time for what you need to do and process things you think about, whether it’s work related, homeschooling, emotional led thinking, fitting in things such as workouts, course work, craft projects, reading time etc then what happens?

Do you feel lower in your mood, more short tempered or snapping, feel stressed, pressured, anxiety? these are all sighs of not having enough efficient time on your hands and as a result, things are not working in the best way for you.

Learning to recognise when you need less or more time to invested in things, this will help ensure you keep balanced on the things you need to do, and also the things you enjoy and more importantly, give less time on what isn’t good for you or making you as happy.

Making time for things that keep you being you, is very important and working out what strategies help you to find this balance is key.

when you can have some “ you time” use it wisely, it’s not selfish, it’s vital.

if you don’t make time for yourself, your needs, steps and goal then how can you make what you want to happen, in your life happen?

So, how can you make time for what you need?

Take a moment to Reflect on how your currently using your time, is it affective? Is it sufficient for you?

Think about how this week has gone for you ? How have you felt as a result?

then imagine and think about what your perfect ideal weekly/ daily program would look like against this?

What would be different? what would you add in you didn’t make time to do before?what would you give less or more time to?

Time management ideas:

Make a mental log or make an actual timetable of the times in the day you feel you need to change the nature of what your doing, A example, do you have slot of time in one room, let’s say, in your home office all morning, do you make an hour for yourself to take a break and go for a walk? This is based on if your Safe to go outside, covid restrictions wise etc, did you want more time to be active and move, is this the right time or not to make time for a at home workout in another room in your home?

Consider, if you spoken to anyone today outside of your home, make time for positive people who keep you motivated, call your friends, family or watch those who inspire you on their daily blogs etc, use time to connect and keep you feeling less Alone.

When it comes to your time management timetable, make sure you don’t spend a-lot of time on things that make you feel low, alone or negative.

Factor in some clam/quiet time, If your house is full of people, find the time to have “your quiet time “alone away from everyone maybe wake before they all do, or when they are all asleep unwind somewhere for a while before you go to sleep.

If you have the ability of some support at home say with your partner, let them no you need time for yourself, if you feel you need time to do, your walk, your exercise,your you time and encourage them to have the same within your household/ family so you all have a better time being in each other’s pockets especially if in lock down.

Invest your time wisely whenever possible, remember this is an incredibly unique situation at the moment in the world, do what you need to live through it as mentally and physically possible.