Christmas, christmas well-being tips, health, life style, lifestyle, Mental health, Well-being

Merry Mental Health

This Christmas don’t forget to make time for you and look after your mental health. If your someone who needs routine or to maintain some elements of your life to keep yourself in check then do just that keep up those strategies.

Don’t lose sight of what you normally would do in a normal week to balance out how you cope with all the juggling of day to day life.

Recognise when you feel yourself slipping a little and make it a priority to help yourself balance out again. Don’t leave it to get worse.

Make sure you have a moment to yourself for yourself. It’s good to process the day and anything on your mind and acknowledge those thoughts.This in hand will also help you to prevent from bottling it all up. Bottling things up can only lead at some point to an explosion. Explosion of emotion, fear, Self sabotage or feeling overwhelm because you haven’t allowed yourself time, time to process and think through your feelings and thoughts.

Remember it’s just as important to exercise your mind as it is your body.

Wishing your all a very Merry Mental health this Christmas.

fitness, health, life style, lifestyle, Mental health, mentalhealth, sleep, Uncategorized

“Happy World sleep day 2021 “

Sleep is so important it is an essential function for our body so it can recharge and this is equally as important for our mind also. Sleep is how we restore and is vital for a healthy mind, body and of course our spirit, know one’s their best self when they are sleep deprived!

Tips to help you prepare and unwind for sleep;

1) Have a brain dump before bed. Try to wind down by getting all the things swimming by around in your head out, do a subconscious Brian dump right a list tor tomorrow so that’s not something else to worry or lay awake about stressing.

2) Unwind by Taking a nice warm bath with your favourite aromatherapy bath products or salts etc, light a candle and make yourself a mini me spa time.

3) Consider avoiding to much screen time light from devices such as phones and I-pads etc near the time you want to sleep and Cut down the amount of screen time at night and before bed a few hours before if possible.

4)Try Listen to relaxing sounds, songs, music, stories, positive things to aid sleep when ready to sleep.

5)Try Read a book or something that helps you relax and unwind.

6) Make your bedroom as realxing and sleep aiding as possible, nice colour scheme which is clam for the mind, bedding that’s fresh, soft and cosy, keep it decluttered, clam and welcoming when it comes to sleep.

7) Think about lightning, soft fabrics, scents etc in your sleep environment, all which help promote and aid a good night sleep. Get rid of lights and sounds that bother you. Blackout when can any curtain gaps unless you want to wake when the sun comes up.

8) Consider scents that are known for promoting good sleep, lavender is meant to be proven to promote support with insomnia as a natural alternative, add this to your routine, bath, room etc

9)When it comes to your actual Sleep routine timeframes, try to set a typical sleep pattern of time you go to bed and time you wake up, this helps the brain program a bespoke body clock for you over time. Most of us need 6 plus hours a night 8-9 at best so try to aim for this.

10) stretch and relax, find something you enjoy to rebalance and recenter from your busy day, from light yoga, Pilates or meditation or simple stretching

“Happy sleeping”

fitness, health, How to be happier, life style, lifestyle, Mental health, mentalhealth, motivation, out with old in with new, selfcare, spring, sutainability

Spring into spring!

Spring is coming, lighter days, warmer weather and hope on the horizon, There’s never been a better time to get planning, looking ahead and set your action plan to step into spring….

Think about what you want and the steps you need to get there, make a list of daily tasks, weekly steps that will get you to where you want to be this season.

Review where you are, what do you want next out of life, what are you aiming for? What’s next on your chapter?

Spring steps and tips of areas to focus on:

1) Clear out your old clothes, make a wardrobe that reflect you at your best, revamp yourself and style for spring. From looks, fabrics, colours, make up, accessories and self care routines to Maximise your confidence and self worth. Remember Your worth it!

2) Out with the old in with the new, review items you store in your home whatever isn’t being used and you don’t love! give it chance for a new life to become a treasure or use to someone else. Up cycle, recycle and give to those in need via your local charities.

3) Plan ahead the things you want to have and look forward to this spring. From a new challenge, venture that trip or staycation away this summer. It’s so important to have things to look forward to no Matter how small they may be. To keep you looking ahead, giving you motivation and drive.

4) Review your routine, with spring around the corner the days will be lighter for longer think about your fitness routines, Review your goals make tweaks where they’re needed to keep you feeling and getting the results you want and deserve. Keeping you determined, focused and accountable. It’s great to be able to do a lot more of your workouts outside and more options due to the weather change. Look to challenge yourself and revamp where you need to your workouts.

5) Review your eating habits and what will be in season this spring from vegetables, and fruit. Update your ingredients make things more interesting with what’s available. Find new and inspiring recipes. Review your nutrition, vitamins, nutrients, mineral intake, maximise free online support tools and apps that help you log these things and water intake!

6) Get more fresh air, Get out when safe to and get lots of Fresh air! we have been in fair to much! Especially now the days are lot more lighter, walking is so good for your well-being and mindfulness.

7) Review your Sustainability, consider anything you can do to help promote this. Review your garden is there anything you can grow and provide for yourself such as vegetables, herbs and fruits? is there an allotment or community garden you can get involved with? Perhaps support a charity you can make a donation with of any of your old garden pots and seeds to support others who may not have a garden. Gardening is super for supporting good mental health.

8) Spring clean Declutter, Spurs up your home, make a few changes weathers it’s more plants, colour scheme, Minimalise clutter and give life to the new area in your home that’s not currently being utilised properly, clear areas of chaos, a tidy home is so much better for promoting a clear mind.

9) Take on new and exciting personal and self development tasks, goals and challenges that put a spring in your step! fire in your belly, that takes you out of your comfort zone, that you’ve got into over winter and spring into new challenges this spring.

10) Ask yourself how happy am I at the moment? How much am I enjoying what I do weekly, daily right now? what can I do to make myself feel happier, list out thoughts of new suggestions and how you could introduce new things that keep your zest for life and your happiness at a top priority. Find how to keep or find your zest for life again and your happiness at the top of your weekly daily priorities.

11) Self-care, look at including steps and strategies to ensure you’re regularly checking in on yourself. Think about how your well-being is and how you’re caring for yourself, ask yourself if there’s any improvements you want to make? What’s been working over winter? what might have been the most hardest time for self-care to be at optimum level, use spring as a great time to ensure your on the best path for you possible.and Get list making a write down the steps and prioritise this! it’s not selfish it’s key to you enjoying your life. Draw on strategies that work and include them in your plan will ensure success.

Excersie, fitness, health, Identity, lifestyle, Mental health, motivation, Visuals for goals results and motivation


It’s so true that the power of your mind and your mind set is Huge. If you don’t believe in your self or invest yourself then why would others, you get out what you put in.

The power of your thoughts in your mind can carry you a very long way,or they can simply stop your from moving forward at all.

Your mindset can change at times and sometimes very rapidly. It’s important to recognise what strategies support you when this is in a negative way and what helps you become a more positive version of yourself.

Learn how to control your thoughts more when negativity starts to show, look out for the early signs, get your support strategies into action ASAP. Do what help’s keep yourself focused and on track to what you want to achieve, don’t self sabotage.

You really have the power to lead yourself to where you want to go, but you also could be the person who’s hold you back! so unlock the positive mind set you have and take on positive changes to get you to your goals.

Wondering, How to make your mind set as positive as possible to work for you, so you can make new exciting steps you want in your life, review the way in which your doing things towards your goals. Don’t get stuck in a rut, nothing motivational will come from things that don’t challenge you.

Review your steps towards your end game/goals. Make sure you’re enjoying what you’re doing still and if you’re not look at other ways you can achieve the same steps but in a way that is more motivational, fun and inspiring for you to go forward.

Mind, Set, Go….


Meaningful, make sure the goal means something to you, that you want this! That this is for you and not for others or to please them or anyone else. The more meaningful the goal is the more drive, determination and passion you will have in doing this and seeing it through.


Interesting, make sure it’s something that you want to do that pushes you to smash out side comfort Zone, make it exciting, full of new things to learn, take part of /do and of course choose the way that you feel is the most positively challenging for you. If the steps aren’t inspiring you look at alternative ones you can still take to get to your end goal, different steps still leading to the same outcome and your goal.


Nothing stopping you, you know the steps you need to take, plan, prepare and show up. Make things happen, remember every small step counts towards the bigger picture and goal’s you have. Go to bed knowing what you have planned for tomorrow. From exercise plans, to food prep and menus, activities, tasks, to-do lists etc be organised and plan to succeed not to fail.


Determination, keep yourself motivated, surrounded yourself with positive things, people and log the steps you have made, read, watch and listen to things and people that inspires you to keep going. Watch Blogs of the journey others are taking and have took from start to finish to make their goals happen, let them inspire you, show you that they didn’t give up, showing you evidence, you too can do this! Like they did.


Start, set a date and make it happen.the first step is always the hardest. Write it down Mark it on the calendar or diary, the day I made my life change for the better (tomorrow) why wait!


End game, keep your end game clear in your mind, what it is that you want! every time you find it hard, that you’re losing your willpower, remember why your doing this, let the thoughts of your end game push you forward and trough the tough times. Imagine and try to visualise the end,how you will feel being at this point, where you wanted to be and how good that will feel and look. What other opportunities will this then create for you?


Train, train, train. Learn what you need to do to achieve what you have set out to do, build yourself up along the way with the discipline you need to support this goal and all the steps you take. Learn, evolve, develop, conquer, achieve, eat, sleep repeat.

How to be happier, Identity, life coaching, goal setting, lifestyle, motivation, New beginnings, new year, New you, Steps to success, Uncategorized

2020 make it your Year!!

The new year is almost here and it’s the perfect opportunity to make it the “you year”; find out who you want to be and make it happen!

This new year make every step count; remember goals don’t have to be too Big to be as equally important!

Remember perseverance also shows your really invested and truly want what your aiming for rather than “I should be doing this but don’t really want to”.

Keep the path true to you!

Keeping visuals on your “you year” to motivate you. Help from photos or that item of clothing you want to wear to identify yourself. You might want to have words to help describe you; such as active, healthy, happy.

Success step examples might be;

Keep a diary, have a tick-off chart for each day you did what you set out to do;

An object such as, “That dress or suit” hanging up you want to fit again and feel the best you can be;

That fun dance class that doesn’t feel like exercise but is helping you be more active;

The walk or hike with friends, which means your socialising and being active all in one go;

Have a list of new things to try, projects you want to do round the house to make you feel productive and organised.

Keep this new year fun and interesting, try new things, new activities and visit places you haven’t before, keep things motivational and moving throughout 2019!

Remember something that challenges you positively both mentally and physically is important as it links in your mind and body healthy.

Surround yourself with people that boost you to want to succeed and feel good about who you are. Take part in activities that motivate you and always have something that are also just for you “me time”

Create a list of days out for when you have free time so your ready and prepared to max the use of this time and go and do something positive and planed; such as walks in parks/gardens you may you have annual access to and surrounded yourself in some good “old free fresh air” in natural surroundings of the great outdoors.

Another really good tip is, when your in a good place ask yourself what helps you on the days where you motivation slips a little, then make note of the “go-to’s” that spur you on!

When looking at the new year 2020, remind yourself of all the steps you have already taken to get to where you are!

I love when a new year comes around and letting go of what has been and cant be changed and looking ahead at the new beginning ahead.

My diary has a clear page and a fresh start! So when it comes to the new year I have realistic but motivational goals for myself and I can’t wait.

I work out what I want to focus on, what will make me happy and narrow it down to 4 areas of my life right now and what small steps I can make in the right direction in each.

I wish you all a happy healthy “You” year 2020!