
confidence, Identity, lifestyle, new year, new year resolution 2019, New you, Self development, Steps to success

Build yourself up, don’t knock yourself down!


photography of person on green mountain
Photo by mirsad mujanovic on

It’s so easy to think negatively at times about yourself and put yourself down, but have you ever tried it the other way round, thinking positively about yourself instead?

Think of all the times you got back up when life knocked you down, each time you said enough and made a change in your life all the fight you have had in you and determination.

Look at your character, you will be full of personality, skills, attributes and ability in many fields to succeed; some you might not have had the chance to unlock till now, but believe me we each have a wonderful positive contribution to give to both ourselves and others.

So go ahead start your list, ask yourself;

1,what our your personal strengths and list them;

2, list all of the things your happy with about you and your life right now;

3, Find a positive word that you feel best sums you up ! Us this as a tool to help you keep going when you have a challenging day especially when you feel like giving up;

4, Become strong in who you are, remember the inside is just as important as the outside. Make yourself solid to the core in your values, visions and future. Don’t let anyone or anything take that from you, stay true to who you are and allow yourself to grow, progress and most of all enjoy your life!

Happy “You Year”

2023, be happy, happy, Identity, lifestyle, love, Mental health, self love, Uncategorized

Live a life you love

February is here, the month of love, so it’s the perfect time to look at what you love in your life right now, and what would you love to change/happen and be doing this year?

An Emotion such as Love is so powerful and important, as it gives you drive and determination. Relationships are also so important. The relationships you have with your family, friends, and community can really matter but what about the relationship You have with yourself!

Do you ever look at how you treat yourself?It’s important to recognise if you put your self down our put limiting beliefs out there that stop you doing what you love.

It’s a good idea to look at what your current personal priorities, Identify how much they mean to you and the impact they have on you.Also It’s good to look at How much responsibility you have towards these priorities.

Can you make them change if there not what you want anymore, can you take control of them? if you are able to be in control what can or would you like to work on first, to make your life better and more enjoyable?

The happier you are, the more likely that you will find those around you are!I find it helps with all of the juggling and work life balance we all have to deal with at times making sure time out for yourself is factored in and planned.

There is no time like the present, me time can happen, you need to just ask yourself these questions to get the ball rolling and start to make plans!

It’s helpful to look to ask yourself and Work on these 4 questions:

1, if I could do anything what would I love to be doing?

2, What would I love to happen this year that’s within my control?

3,What do I love and enjoy in my life and how Can I factor it in more to my routine?

4, look at when you can start some of the above, Pick a date when the first step is going to happen! It’s more likely to come true if you write it down and commit to it!

Remember you are steering your direction, you can change it,make a life you love with the things that you have the control over and have the power to make change.

Sometimes life is hard and we all at times are dealt cards that are unexpected, negative or out of our control! and these can therefore take us off course. But with the things that you do have control over and are able to have responsibility for positive change, why not make it all lead to something you want!

Remember there is no failure in trying! Don’t regret things make things happen you deserve to be happy! You can’t change yesterday but tomorrow is yours for the taking…………enjoy!

2023, be happy, health, Identity, life style, lifestyle, mentalhealth, positive, Well-being

Mind Set Go……..

It’s so true that the power of your mind and your mind set is Huge. If you don’t believe in your self or invest yourself then why would others, you get out what you put in.

The power of your thoughts in your mind can carry you a very long way,or they can simply stop your from moving forward at all.

Your mindset can change at times and sometimes very rapidly. It’s important to recognise what strategies support you when this is in a negative way and what helps you become a more positive version of yourself.

Learn how to control your thoughts more when negativity starts to show, look out for the early signs, get your support strategies into action ASAP. Do what help’s keep yourself focused and on track to what you want to achieve, don’t self sabotage.

You really have the power to lead yourself to where you want to go, but you also could be the person who’s hold you back! so unlock the positive mind set you have and take on positive changes to get you to your goals.

Wondering, How to make your mind set as positive as possible to work for you, so you can make new exciting steps you want in your life, review the way in which your doing things towards your goals. Don’t get stuck in a rut, nothing motivational will come from things that don’t challenge you.

Review your steps towards your end game/goals. Make sure you’re enjoying what you’re doing still and if you’re not look at other ways you can achieve the same steps but in a way that is more motivational, fun and inspiring for you to go forward.


Meaningful, make sure the goal means something to you, that you want this! That this is for you and not for others or to please them or anyone else. The more meaningful the goal is the more drive, determination and passion you will have in doing this and seeing it through.


Interesting, make sure it’s something that you want to do that pushes you to smash out side comfort Zone, make it exciting, full of new things to learn, take part of /do and of course choose the way that you feel is the most positively challenging for you. If the steps aren’t inspiring you look at alternative ones you can still take to get to your end goal, different steps still leading to the same outcome and your goal.


Nothing stopping you, you know the steps you need to take, plan, prepare and show up. Make things happen, remember every small step counts towards the bigger picture and goal’s you have. Go to bed knowing what you have planned for tomorrow. From exercise plans, to food prep and menus, activities, tasks, to-do lists etc be organised and plan to succeed not to fail.


Determination, keep yourself motivated, surrounded yourself with positive things, people and log the steps you have made, read, watch and listen to things and people that inspires you to keep going. Watch Blogs of the journey others are taking and have took from start to finish to make their goals happen, let them inspire you, show you that they didn’t give up, showing you evidence, you too can do this! Like they did.


Start, set a date and make it happen.the first step is always the hardest. Write it down Mark it on the calendar or diary, the day I made my life change for the better (tomorrow) why wait!


End game, keep your end game clear in your mind, what it is that you want! every time you find it hard, that you’re losing your willpower, remember why your doing this, let the thoughts of your end game push you forward and trough the tough times. Imagine and try to visualise the end,how you will feel being at this point, where you wanted to be and how good that will feel and look. What other opportunities will this then create for you?


Train, train, train. Learn what you need to do to achieve what you have set out to do, build yourself up along the way with the discipline you need to support this goal and all the steps you take. Learn, evolve, develop, conquer, achieve, eat, sleep repeat.

2023, lifestyle, Mental health, Uncategorized, Well-being

Have a good Brain Dump!

With Blue Monday on the approach, struggling with your thoughts and feelings, learn to enjoy a good Brain Dump !

Ever have times where you feel incredibly overwhelmed, like your really processing a lot of thoughts and feelings or just feel in a withdrawn state?

You may have a mind full of all sorts,This is the perfect time to have a good brain dump.

A brain dump is where you literally take every single thought that you can catch, that’s swimming around in your mind and get it down on paper, wether a word, complete sentence of thoughts or feelings. Write it all on a page and off load it there from your mind and make a subconscious brain dump.

It’s an ideal strategy when you need to clear your mind, I recommend that you find a place you can have a moment and take the time you need to complete this exercise;

The exercise should help you to understand and identify more about your thoughts and feelings and this should in return help your mental health. It allows you to keep your mind as clear and as aware as possible. By regularly doing this as a strategy.

This will help you Identify when your overwhelmed or stressed, which is so important as your mental health is just as important as physical health. I hope this practical exercise for the mind feel that it supports you just like an exercise routine for your body would.

This exercise gets the words, feelings and thoughts out that you need to expose to yourself and helps you exercise your thoughts, outward rather than harbour them inwards and keep them bottled up inside, where they manifest into something else if not addressed, like anxiety, anger, fear, worry, sadness and what you actually really need is to talk them outward, release them on to paper.

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on

When brain dumping, Start with all the things that come quickly to mind first, as they are normally trigger words that open up more depth of your thoughts and feelings.

An Example is, if I wrote the word “Pressure “ I could look at that word and ask myself why did I write this? My answer might be, I wrote pressure because I feel, I am someone who regularly has presume in there life. The next question is why do you feel pressure? I feel pressure because I’m juggling a lot of things all the time. By asking this it helps you identify some context to the thoughts and words.

The next thing to then do is ask yourself what can be done about this? Can anything be done?, is it in your control? How can I feel less “pressured” what are my options, can I get help with X, Y and Z that I am juggling that makes me feel this pressure. If you find somethings you write on this that’s not in your control. Then how can you draw a line on it, accept and move on, or find a strategy to cope with the things your not in control of, you can make a list of what helps with these things such as exercise, walking , running, mindfulness, yoga, Pilates, craft projects, etc

The other things that can come to mind when you get things down on paper, might be things that are more of a list of things you want to do or need to do, with these, section them together and then you could make a to-do task list for yourself. This is so you feel you have these things now out of the mind and in your control.

You may have things that are on your mind that are impacting you a lot. A particular subject that comes back regularly, this is something to focus on. Spend more time on working this through. ask yourself why it regularly comes up? Do you need help with this?

Ask yourself, is this particular word or situation stopping you from progressing,becoming or doing anything? Ask yourself is it linked to anything?

Remember, It’s always better out than in, keeping it all internally will normally mean it’s coming out still,but in a different way. It may be displayed in mood swings, out of control with food or substances, feeling low or unhappy regularly. This is because your not dealing with it yet or fully, until you do your subconscious will keep it floating around to haunt you. Learn to let it out and let it all go….

Also If you are really struggling and feel you need support don’t be ashamed, reach out to someone don’t suffer in silence. talk it out and get support.

2023, finding your inner happy in 2023

23 Steps in your direction …

With 2023 on the horizon and 2022 closing to an end,here’s some helpful steps on how to make the New Year yours….

1) Think about what makes you really happy and make time for this as much as possible! like the old saying goes “you get out what you put in” your happiness is the best investment you could ever make so prioritise this whenever possible.

2) Make a small permanent change in direction you want. choose things you can achieve, maintain and sustain, make a lifestyle as supposed to drastic measures that will just leave you back where you started.

3) Move more, Look at any form of exercise you would enjoy doing and try to include this regularly in your life. If you don’t like the exercise you have already tried then find out what makes you have that buzz for movement again, for example if you don’t like running then don’t run! look at alternatives. if you love dance maybe look at aerobic dance forms of exercise, that you could take up instead.

4) Progress over perfection always choose progress it’s more sustainable and doesn’t leave you feeling un accomplished and exhausted, if your making progress where you want then isn’t that the most perfect outcome!

5) Accountability one of the best things you could ever do is face where you are and decide where you want to be and look at what you can do to own the situation and make it yours.

6) Learn to let go, you will feel so much lighter mentally, than when you hold onto things that are toxic, Draw a line on what cannot be changed.

7) Get outside and as much fresh air as you possibly can, it really helps to gain perspective by having a change of scene some light movement and fresh air . It’s so good for your well-being too!

8) You tribe is definitely your vibe, pick wisely, Invest your time in people who radiate positive energy that make you feel your best self, that leave you feeling inspired not drained.

9) Recognise what you have accomplished and achieved already, celebrate you! start to recognise the steps you have already taken, they are so important every step know matter how small counts! Remember how far you have come and you can do this!

10) Make time for “Me Time” it is incredibly important make sure you make time for yourself regularly, it’s not selfish, it’s you investing in you.

11) Do things that challenge you in the right way, this will stop things becoming and feeling stagnant for you, it’s good to take steps outside your comfort zone and try new things, challenges and experiences, enjoy being inspired

12) Recognise your own strength. It’s really is a true strength to own your situation, deciding to start making that change in the direction you want, knowing it’s not going to be easy but it’s going to be worth it. Owning the hard days as well as the good, learning and working on strategies that help you move through these times.

13) Declutter,make space for you! make your environments feel supportive to your mind if you feel clutter does overwhelm and affect your mood,try to support yourself for making time to Declutter and make your space better for you. Give things new life by donating to charity or upcycle projects, use it or lose it.

14) Review anything you’ve been doing for a long time that you feel needs tweaking, revamping in your life, anything around your lifestyle, if you start to feel things have be become a bit stagnant and you want to feel more inspired make a tweak or change here or there to keep yourself on track and still progressing and more importantly enjoying what you’re doing.

15) Ask yourself what inspires me,what makes you feel really motivated and take inspiration from this whenever possible. Sometimes it’s helpful to have visuals whether it’s photographs or pictures,do whatever helps you feel inspired, draw upon these especially in moments where you feel you might be slipping back to old habits and needing motivated.

16) Have confidence,look at things that will boost your confidence this can be simply a wardrobe change a exercise routine change, new activity or club, new skin or nutrition routine something that will just give you that piece of “newness” you feel you want for 2023.

17) Revisit some of the goals you may have set, ask your self have these changed? it’s okay if they haven’t or have. If you have some new ones get them down on paper, it’s also okay if nothing comes to mind there’s no pressure there for you, know one else.

18) when did you last feel the best version of you? take a moment to look at when you last felt the closest to the you, who you identify as yourself , the you, you really are and want to be more of! Ask yourself,who where you with? what where you doing ?what was the environment you where in and just take a moment to think about this and see if you want to include any this in any of your thoughts when looking at your future and goal setting and the changes that you want to make to your lifestyle.

19) Get creative, look at things that you might like to try that help you visit your creative diet, this can be anything from New recipes, New craft projects, writing photography art see if anything takes your fancy and enjoy exploring your creative side.

20) Sign up to something new, if something takes your fancy and makes you feel excited and inspired why not sign up to that new challenge you come across next in 2023, what’s the worst that could happen you decide it’s not for you but you’ve achieved something different and you go for it!

21) Take a moment, grab a notebook and pen find somewhere you feel inspired to be a bit reflective and ask yourself what do I want? jot down everything that comes to mind, then choose something you have written on the page, that jumps out to you, to help give you some direction if you feel a bit lost about where to start, when looking at setting goals yourself.

22) Visit new surroundings, places and environments take inspiration from the things around you, enjoy exploring new settings.

23)Live in the moment more, be you,Do what you want to do, what makesYou happy and be as present in the moment as possible. Remember your mental Health matters, look after yourself and know you are enough.

Remember there is absolutely no pressure to change or do anything, unless you want to!

Wishing you a very healthy and happy 2023!

Christmas, christmas well-being tips, health, life style, lifestyle, Mental health, Well-being

Merry Mental Health 2022

This Christmas don’t forget to make time for you and look after your mental health. If your someone who needs routine or to maintain some elements of your life to keep yourself in check then do just that keep up those strategies.

Don’t lose sight of what you normally would do in a normal week to balance out how you cope with all the juggling of day to day life.

Recognise when you feel yourself slipping a little and make it a priority to help yourself balance out again. Don’t leave it to get worse.

Make sure you have a moment to yourself for yourself. It’s good to process the day and anything on your mind and acknowledge those thoughts.This in hand will also help you to prevent from bottling it all up. Bottling things up can only lead at some point to an explosion. Explosion of emotion, fear, Self sabotage or feeling overwhelm because you haven’t allowed yourself time, time to process and think through your feelings and thoughts.

Remember it’s just as important to exercise your mind as it is your body.

Wishing your all a very Merry Mental health this Christmas and New Year.